Written by
Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Shawn Aldridge
Art by
Daniel Sampere
Adriana Melo
"The Warworld Saga," part three.
Everything changes! After the heart-stopping events of Action Comics #1037, Superman and the surviving members of the Authority see a side of Warworld they never knew existed. In the lower catacombs, Superman finds another survivor of the lost Phaelosian race of Krypton, a scientist turned enslaved gladiator with much to teach Superman of his new home, including how to survive...and maybe, in time, how to escape.
Meanwhile, Superman’s quest to turn the hordes of Warworld against their masters begins.
Item #:2018
- 1st appearance of Kryl-Ux, a Phaelosian Kryptonian mentor
- Possible cameo in Action Comics #1037
Regular Daniel Sampere Cover
Action Comics Vol 2 #1038 Cover A