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WOW, fast week!


So this past week we got a bunch done in our small shop. We had a pretty good Friday, mind you we are a small shop and are building our fans and local regulars. We had visitors from Michigan, and Alaska. Made a few new sales off our eBay store to more east coast buyers. I don't know why but our biggest buyers on eBay are on the coasts. I like to keep a small tab on google on where we send our orders. Never names, just city and what order they are all overall. We do send small cool stuff to our buyers as a way of saying thank you for small milestones we hit. We learned how to coupons and handed them out to potential new buyers and to our friends who listen to Cheers to Comics. Also if you guys see our sales on Facebook we do give good sales on there. Here is a great interview that was dropped last week with the creator of Into the Breach comic. After talking to a few customers and telling them what I thought they picked issues 1 & 2, so that's a great thing.

As far as personal stuff, we made a few small purchases this past week. Played a game of a Home Brew Pathfinder game and failed at making my first batch of Jell-O shooters. The idea was fun the execution not so much. Tried my hand at some deer meat stir fry (amazing just so you know). We had our storage shelves installed and they look great and really help with all our boxes for shipping. On the 2nd we worked on our modified light box and any toys we get that we don't have stock photos of we will be taking pictures. Dug out a few pounds of Joe figures to start building back up, got to say besides comics that's one of my favorite things to do.

My wife is recovering great from her surgery for weight loss and like a lot of men I am getting insecure with how well she is looking and I'm still a chunky potato. But that's just insecurities talking and making my anxiety go all sorts of nuts, woooooo am i right. But anyway. We have next weeks DC comics ready to go on our website for the day they drop. Diamond Distribution is still pulling wool over our eyes and we are getting our books 1-2 weeks late and with our last 2 shipments we have been shorted 50+ comics we ordered and the pull list that the company fails and says we should have received them. I will be glad to see how penguin works all this out and will be so glad to try them big time. Well that is my small rant and up to date news. Don't worry I wont go into to many details going forward but i do like the idea of just talking about what's on my mind and it feel therapeutic. I wont ever let personal feelings swamp this because this is a page for our store and for us to connect with our fans.

Some cool info from point of view at least is that we have in a way gained a few more subscribers for comics and with our discounts we are in hopes we will gain more and more going forward. Anyway, if you every need a friend to shoot the breeze with stop into our shop, drop us a email, message on Facebook. We want everyone to feel at home and feel we can be your friend no matter where in the world you are.

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